Restoration is Coming

Read this on facebook this morning @metasmotivation – Stop chasing after things you’ve lost in the past and learn how to trust God’s restoration process. Realize that God isn’t capped by your abilities so His replacement will be always greater than what you previously lost.

Reminded me of this portion of a word I released last year for 2017:
#7 Restoration of things lost – According to the dictionary, restoration means returning something back to its original condition but in the Bible, restoration goes way beyond that. We see all through the Bible where God blesses His people for their faith and the hardships they endure by restoring their losses and giving them more than they had before.

I don’t know about you but 2017 has been a very hard year for me. It is almost over and I haven’t experienced restoration yet BUT I know my God is true to His Word! I will receive restoration of things lost and more! Amen!

Father, I pray today for those that have experienced loss whether it be in health, finances, relationships, etc. They have been hit hard and have been discouraged and faint at heart. They have almost given up hope of seeing restoration. They are weary of the battles they have endured. I pray that their eyes would be opened to see the miraculous restoration process that you have for them. I believe its just around the corner. Eyes have not seen nor ears have not heard what you have in store for them. I pray that today they would begin to call those things that be not as though they were as an act of faith in You. They would not doubt Your promises but be fully satisfied and assured that You are able to keep Your Word and do as You have promised. Today we will speak to our mountains whatever they may be and say “Be removed and cast into the Sea.” and we will not doubt in our hearts, therefore it shall be done for us. Increase our faith today and help us to choose our words wisely. We will speak Your word and Your Life over our situations. Hold us, steady Lord, until we see the manifestation of Your promises! We will not give up and we will not lose hope! Our restoration is coming!
